Thursday, November 1, 2012


I have so many little half done projects. That is not true, I have quarter done projects. I have two books that I have started and we are packing to move. That is right we are moving, but I don't have a clue where. If I had my choice we would move up to Parkville, but it is a family decision and as it looks now we are staying put in Olathe, KS. I'm not that happiest camper in the woods but what is a girl to do. Along with this move comes a bunch of emotions. Our children are the ones that are truly affected by this. Our High School Freshman daughter and our 7th grader are not happy about this. This is the only home they know, this is the only area they know, and this will uproot them from their comfortable lives. But life isn't always comfortable.

So how are they handling this? They are doing what most teenagers do...rebel. Not in a really bad way, but they are stressed and unless we talk about what is going on they're going to be stressed and grounded. What we do in our family is hold, "Family Meetings". Anyone can call them, but whomever calls it has to lead the meeting. This is a safe place for the kids to speak of their emotions, struggles, and worries to the family. It help keeps the communication flowing in the house. But if you know myself and my family there is never a loss for words. We all have very passionate and strong personalities, this is not always a good mix. It does help us love hard, cry hard, and live full lives.

In our meetings we have to have a speak stick. If we didn't have one everyone would speak all at once and nothing would get solved. We do have some rules that go along with these meetings:

1. Whoever has the "Speak Stick" is the only one speaking
2. What is said in the meeting stays in the meeting
3. After something is said it can't be brought up against them.
4. It's time to be truthful
5. The meeting must be a safe place
6. When meeting is over no one can leave with unanswered questions or unaddressed feelings
7. We must play a game or watch a movie together when meeting is over
8. Must love each other unconditionally
9. Must say one thing nice to each other when meeting is closing
10. Again, Nothing leaves the meeting

This is one way to stop behavior before it starts or nip it in the bud. When family expresses concerns about a situation or feeling with each other then they learn how to control their feelings. Nothing is ever permanent and life is in constant change. A bad thing is always a learning thing. Try a family meeting someday, you will notice stress disappears and kindness with love appears. Good Luck