Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bully VS Coward

I have watched my children and their friends go through a roller coaster of emotions with Facebook and Twitter. All of it is uncalled for. The media has dubbed it, "Cyber Bullying", but that is giving it too much power with the word "Bully" in it. Back in the day, you know cause I'm real old, when encountering a "bully" it was a face to face thing. The people had to look each other in the eyes and say or do what they intended to do. Now it is like word and picture vomit, but only worse because these kids have no clue about what they are saying or doing. I know, I know, you are going to say, "Well, my children have never experienced that or would never do that". I have two words for you....You're Ignorant. If you are truly thinking that, you better do a parenting check, because you have just proved to yourself that you are not engaged in your children's lives. So for the rest of this Blog I will not call it "bullying" it is truly being a "coward".

I know this has happened to all 4 of our children. They have been on both sides, being the coward and being the victim of someone being a coward. It's not cool and they were punished for when they did it and comforted when it happened to them. Also, there were times that I had to take over the situation, which if anyone knows myself and my family, that is not a good thing. I will and have gone after the people/families that have been cowards towards us. Don't mess with my family, enough said.

But something came to my attention just the other day and it truly disturbed me. A friend of one of my daughters was threatened on Twitter by a couple of girls (if you want to call them that). This friend of our family was in deep distress, she didn't even go to the commitments she had to do in fear of running into them. The reason is because the cowards said that they were going to beat her until she was dead. Now if I remember correctly isn't that a law breaking threat? But that isn't even the half of it! This all started because of a boy posting a very rude and personal comment about my daughter's friend. One which is no ones business, and for a "boy" to get involved in a teenage girl fight is ridiculous. This just sends messages to boys that it is OK to treat girls like dirt and they have the right to degrade them in any way. In turn it is telling the girls that boys are mean, to be afraid of them because they will hurt you emotionally and possibly physically. This doesn't sit well with me at all.

And as for me, I know with my BPD I have to lay low and chill. I have to see what comes from this, but inside I want to call/visit the cowards (in which I know personally) and their families and let them have it. But I won't....I have to stop, breath, and figure out my next move, if there is one. I will not let this continue to happen to the beautiful girls and boys in my children's life. I will do the right thing and stick to my morals and beliefs. I will always do my best to make sure that our children don't become the cowards. We want them to be strong but kind, loving and not lusting, Christians and not religious, and to always be in control of the things they do and say.

To be continued.........