Thursday, October 20, 2011

You Gotta Laugh!!!!

If you have been reading my blogs you understand that for me, my life changes in a heartbeat. Well, there are these nice periods of time that things are quite. It's like the "calm before the storm", honestly it is. My older sister, Kim, always tells me in a boggled laugh that she can't believe all this happens to my family. Unfortunately, I have to agree with her. There are to keys to surviving these storms, 1) Pray & Put all Faith and Trust in Jesus 2) Step away from the situation and just watch how it plays out.

This year has had its ups and downs, but it seems as if it will end on a bad note. You know how I started this blog to share my family's funny stories? Well, in the last several months we seem to be running short on those. It totally sucks because I am not that kind of a person. I could always see the best in something bad, or could make a joke out of something. Lately my jokes and laughter are few and far between.

So here is what I am going to do, I will just list the short details of what is going on over here:

1)In 2009 Joe had the lenses in both eyes removed and synthetic ones put in. With "bags" stitched behind the lenses to keep in place. We just found out he will have to have another surgery to cut holes in the "bags" because his lenses are cloudy

2)Everyone knows in Feb, 2011 I suffered a 2nd grade concussion and ended up loosing my job that I loved. In August I suffered another concussion and my Post Concussion Syndrome was back (it never went away). We have now hired a lawyer and are trying to get Disability.

3) Mike had 2 part time jobs but no benefits, and we need them. He finally got a job with benefits, he was there for about 4 months and decides that job was not for him. So now we have 2 weeks benefits and to get all of our medical issues done.

4) Our oldest daughter Sarah-Kate keeps on saying that after graduation in December she is moving down to Texas to be with this boy that she has been talking to ONLINE for almost a year.

5) My health is not the best. But it is better not to tell anyone in my family because everyone is already dealing with a lot of crap. I feel this is my crap and will tell them when the time comes.

6) Our house is on the market, but we have had not had any showings in forever. That is fine because for some reason all the neighborhood kids think my house is theirs until bed time.

7) Even if we do sell it we have no idea where we are going.

Oh my gosh, as I am typing all this stuff out I am laughing. This is funny, this is the stuff movies are made of. I have 7 bad things that I easily rattled off, but I have about 100 good things I can also rattle off just as easy. It is so easy to get caught up in the drama of life and forget what the real purpose of life is. God wants us to be happy, joyous, trusting, and loving. I can be that, but "Life" gets in the way. Writing burdens out like that can really put things in perspective. I highly suggest it. Thanks for reading my complaining. Kristen

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