Friday, November 18, 2011

My Four Kids.....What A Ride

I have been finding out that I always start my blogs with stating that it has been a long time since last time I wrote. But it is true, our life has been turned all around but we survived it. It is amazing what God can do when you let go and let God take over. So things are looking up, and the kids are crazier than ever.

First let me start with Joe, why not, he is the one who always makes us scratch our heads and look at eachother with our lip curled up on one side, you know what I mean. We are completely confused by the stuff he says and does. And at times I wonder if he was switched at birth because my child would not be so stuck on poop, farting, boobs, and this one Michael Jackson move that he thinks is so funny. And I know the PSAs are all saying that a family that eats dinner together has all this great stuff happen to them, but they have never eaten dinner with our family. If they did that PSA would be removed from the TV so fast your head would spin. The reason why is, Joe does most of his "funny things" at the dinner table. Mike and I look at each other and try so hard not to laugh, because the girls are already laughing. Mike and I start out with a stern look at each other, then at Joe, then back to each other, then it is always Mike that starts to loose it. His shoulders will go up and he gets this silly grin on his face that is now turning red. Right then I tell Mike don't do it, but it is too late he busts out laughing. Then I can't help but laugh because, well I just can't help it. Joe is so funny and cute, even though Marfan Syndrome keeps him from playing sports and a lot of other activities it rarely gets him down. He is one in a million and we are so blessed to have him as a son.

Now Allie has this problem with telling stories. She seems to be unable to tell a whole story. The other day she had some drama in her life and we were talkin about it and what happened at school and how she fixed it. So she is telling me and this is what she says, "So I told her we need to talk about last Friday and her friend said yeah we do...and yah". Done that was the story, wait what? And "yah" what, so I had to ask her just that. She said, "Well we are going to talk about it later....and yah". Come on! Are you serious, I get another "and yah"! So again I have to ask her "then what happened"? She says, "Then Zack picked me up and dragged me to class...and yah". So I told her that if she was in a job interview she would not get the job...and yah. Allie goes this wasn't a job interview I was just telling you a story, and I said poorly. So Allie and I did a mock interview and I was going to interview her. I started with, "So what was your worst retail experience'? She replied, "An old lady yelled at me." I asked, "What did you do about that"? Her reply, "I walked away from her!" I said "WHAT, you walked away from her, she was your customer you can't do that!" She goes, "Mom, chill this isn't for real." Oh yeah, I just got a little excited. But as far as Allie goes as a person she is the most giving, humble, kind, beautiful, person. I love her so much. She takes after me in a lot of ways, but she has a lot of goals and she is driven to become something with her life and that determination comes from Mike.

Our Little Bird, Sarah, thinks she is tough but she is loving and kind. She is a challenge, but I have her figured out. She will never admit that I do, but I do. She is 17 and graduating in Dec. this year. We have always raised our children that they can do anything and that the whole world is open to them. Well, Sarah doesn't do well with that. She hates having too many decisions, it truly stresses her out. I feel so bad for her, she doesn't know what to do. We will support her in whatever decision she makes as long as it is legal. And if you know Sarah you would now why I put that legal comment in there, just kidding :) She is so smart, talented, beautiful, kind, thoughtful, and at times she doesn't believe it. In this house she is the trend setter. Everyone goes off of her style of clothes, hair, and makeup, music, and it goes on at school too. It is so sweet to walk in on her at night sleeping to check on her because she still sleeps like she did when she was a baby. When she was a baby we were attached at the hip, we were never apart (and it is kind of still that way). I love her so much, she means so much to me. I want her to be happy, secure with herself, maybe not so shy. But she is so funny, in the mornings it is always turn off the fan and open the blinds and it will be a very sad day when she moves on and I don't have to do that anymore. She is always on top of the fashion world, she is a great sister and daughter, her smile lights up a room, and her eyes sparkle when she is talking to someone she likes. She is my Little Bird, oh how I love her so.

Nate the oldest of the 4 I have to say is the whackiest. He had a hard first 7 years of his life, but then he came and lived with Mike, myself, and Sarah (she was 9 months old). It was a great day, it was on a Wednesday in March of 1995. He has grown up and some paths he took were hard, others not so hard. But I think that's how you get character. You get it during the hard times, and hopefully you will turn out like Nate with no anger or hate hidden deep inside. He is easy to forgive and that is one thing that I did learn from forgive easily and let it go. I love this kid he is always in a good mood unless you wake him up. You never want to wake up the bear, he is horrible. We have had bad times and good times and great times and I would not trade any of them for anything. Nate and I in a way grew up together. I was 24 when we adopted him, I was very young. But I love him.

A couple months ago Nate got jumped by these 4 guys at his apartment after he got off work. One guy held Nate's arm to the staircase railing while the another guy did the same thing on the other. Then another guy just started beating up Nate, but these guys were drunk and Nate was sobber. The fourth guy didn't do anything and neither did Nate's roommate. But this scrappy little Asian friend of theirs named Elton (love him) jumped in and started pulling guys off of Nate. Then they ran off. Well, I knew about this story and one night I was over there and one of the guys come to Nate's apartment because his girlfriend is friends with one of Nate's roommates. So this guy puts his hand out to shake my hand and says nice to meet you. I slapped his hand away and said aren't you one of the guys that jumped my son! And he said no it was my friends, and I said why didn't you tell them to get off or help Nate? Then him and I were nose to nose yelling at each other, I used to be a boxer I could have taken him. Then this guy looks over at Nate who is leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and shruggs his shoulders and says you deal with her. Then the boy turned around and left. I have to say it was so much fun, almost like back in the day of my boxing period, sort of.

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