Monday, April 18, 2011

I think I'm Busy, But What Gets Done?

The alarm clock goes off in the morning..... BANG! It's morning and the day is off to a good start. Wake up on the first alarm because there is no snoozing for me in this house. No way, I have to brush my teeth, wake up the three children sleeping upstairs, and try to wake up the dogs to go out. Make my way downstairs to the coffee maker, heaven, I take a deep breath of the wonderful aroma and be still.
Of course that doesn't last that long. Mike is the first one down the stairs asking me what I was going to do today. I don't have the guts to tell him I really want to nap all afternoon. He would completely have a fit. I am able to change the subject by asking him what he wants for breakfast and for his lunch. One down and four more to go, so I walk down to the basement and poke the bear. Now I have been warned not to poke the bear, AKA-Nathan, but I do it anyway. I figure he can have me wake him up in a civil manner or have Mike wake him up like a Drill Sargent.
Lunches are packed, everyone has taken their vitamins, and now I can take about 30 minutes to myself. I know I have a lot to do and I feel really anxious about it. So I start doing the items on Mike's list but I can't finish some because it is his nursing stuff. I do laundry, I am always doing laundry. I worked on Mike's resume and rewrote it for a certain nursing job he wants to get. I picked up Sarah from school and drove Nathan to fill out an application at a local pizza joint.  I didn't do a lot so why did I feel so overwhelmed?
Oh well, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. And if you haven't filled out your taxes might want to get on that.

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