Sunday, September 18, 2011

Thank you Lord, Oh Thank You Lord

As a mother of four children, one out of the house and 23 years old. Two teenage girls, the sympathy can start now. Last but not least we have Joe who is 11 years old. In my previous post I think I explained Joe pretty well. OH, since that post Joe has received 2 more detentions, we are so proud :) As a stay at home mom, sometimes you just want the kids to go away. By this time I would pay someone for privacy, food in the house, and silence. We are so busy, and I keep thinking that it will slow down but it doesn't. When there is a chance that the silence almost went away, you attitude changes. Even though your children will break glasses, plates, or tables from dancing on top of them your love for them never go away. When your kid starts to learn to ride a bike they fall a lot, and do you notice how your arms are. They are reached out even though you might be out of range to catch them. The same goes for driving. Your child backs out of the driveway, arm out the window waving goodbye. And then the praying starts, lots and lots of it. But at times even the Good Lord lets things happen to the people we love. We don't know why it was their time, you can't question is just God. Today Sunday 18, 2011 I received a phone call from a Kansas Trooper. This call could be about Nate or Sarah-Kate. Sarah-Kate had just left for work at Hollister in Oak Park Center. And my fear was brought to life, Sarah-Kate was on I-35 Northbound in the middle lane, lost control of her car and at 65-70 mph and hit the concrete wall head on. Mike was working, so I couldn't get in touch with him, but my parents were over and my Daddy and I drove on the right shoulder to her wreck. All my Daddy kept saying was "you didn't tell me that is was on the highway". He must have said it 5-6 times. My Daddy and I had to cross the highway which wasn't moving because of her wreck. It was so weird to be on the highway and trying to keep it together for Sarah-Kate. So the "Pink" car is now totaled, but so what. We bought that car for a couple hundred dollars, Sarah-Kate is priceless. There are so many miracles that happened today, and you can't say "it's weird", cause it's not. It is God. So here how they go 1- The State Trooper driving behind her was headed to another accident on I-70, he saw it all 2- She was wearing her seat belt and walked away with a bloody nose 3-My parents were at my house so my Daddy and I could go to Sarah-Kate 4-The car is totaled, but she is not 5-No one else was involved 6-Our love for Jesus Christ grows everyday 7-To know that it is our Lord that kept her safe....and a seat belt.

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