Monday, August 8, 2011

Where Were You?????

My youngest daughter came home today from a 2 1/2 week stay at my sister's house in Winnetka, IL. I was so happy to see her get off that plane that I think I might have cut her air supply off. When I was up at the airport with my youngest son, Joe, we were looking at all of the different types of people. I was telling Joe how before 9/11 we were able to sit right in front of the gate door to welcome or send off our family members. And how Security hardly ever went through your items or pat you down. We were able to joke with the Security Officers about having a weapon and how we could even bring drinks on the plane. He just could not believe it. And then I realized how life has changed so much.

Our world will never be the same after that horrible day in September, 2001. I completely remember where I was that morning. I had just had knee surgery, and was stuck in bed. Mike was getting ready to leave for work, he stayed home a little longer that morning to take care of me. Mike was literally walking out the door when I yelled for him to come upstairs and watch on TV what just happened. We watched the TV together for awhile, but he went off to work. I asked him not to go, but he really did need to go.

I was watching the "Today Show", which is based in New York. Katie Couric was on the phone with another reporter. The reporter told Ms. Couric that a plane hit the tower, and Ms. Couric said something like..."Surely not, surely you're wrong. I'm sure this was an accident". Then another plane and another attack only this one was live on TV. That is when I think everyone got a sense that this was not an accident. We were under attack, but who would do this?

In my mind I was almost making myself believe this was an accident. I couldn't even wrap the thought around my head that there were passengers on the planes. I asked Mike if he thought there were innocent people on the planes, and he looked at me dumb-founded. I didn't want to believe it, and Mike would always protect me from truths like that. For example, if there was a dead animal on the side of the road he would always say the animal was "sleeping". I knew it was dead, but with Mike saying that my mind would be at ease somehow. This time he didn't "sugar coat" anything, and that is a scary thing when you're used to being "sugar coated".

Then the Pentagon was hit and then the plane went down in Pennsylvania, and with that the feeling of severe panic sets in. Where there children on the planes? Did we know anyone on the flights? What city is going to get hit next? When is this going to stop? I was watching TV but I wanted to stop, I couldn't. It seemed like the destruction and devastation from that day went on for days, months, and years. This was the day the United States lifestyles will be forever changed. My children will never know what it was like to fly before then. But...Mike, myself, and our children will be able to tell generations to come about..."Where we were" on that day. ...Where were you?

I don't know if it was just me, but I am so glad I'm not flying all the time. I am glad I stay home with the kids, and can be there for my family at all times. I have God and my husband to thank for that.

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