Tuesday, May 10, 2011

So Blessed, I just have to except it

Have you ever sat back when you are home alone and there was complete silence? Look around your house, reflecting on all the stuff you have, the stuff your kids have, or the stuff your husband has? Well, today I made myself do that. I stopped what I was doing, no distractions for me, no more static. Because when you are in constant motion you don't have time to get a good look into your life. There is no way to see how the Lord has blessed you. There's no time to feel anything like sorrow, purpose, grief, sadness, shame, guilt, or even happiness. Or all the other feelings you have buried deep down inside us.

Those "feelings" are so hard to accept, hard to deal with, and very hard get to a healthy place with. I have been very lucky in my life to have been able to come in contact with some of the most wise and giving people in the area. Some are therapists, pastors, business owners, and authors. They have taught me so much about the difference between feelings vs. truth. Trust me there is a BIG difference.

Feelings come and go. I could wake up in the morning and feel sad, then get a great phone call in the afternoon and feel happy. They are up and down. I try not make a major or minor decision on how I feel. It is very challenging for me to do. But if I do, there is a good chance it is going to be a bad choice.

Feelings come from your past experiences, good or bad, that is what makes you who you are. Some pasts are not good, then it is important to seek help in a solid therapist, pastor, or Christian support group. It will help to figure out why you feel this unlovable, stupid, why you are in this abusive relationship. Don't be emotionally handicapped anymore.

It helps to get a piece of paper out and draw a line down the middle, one side name "Feeling" the other "Truth". Step back and pray to Jesus and ask Him for help with this. He will help open up your heart, I know first hand he will. On that piece of paper write a feeling word, "less of a woman" (for me). Then pray... truth is, I am doing what God tells women to do in the Bible. I am taking care of my family, I encourage, I'm devoted to my husband, and most of all Jesus is the King of our house. That was just an example on how to do it.

We are saved by the blood of Jesus, if you "feel" you are not getting love from your spouse or significant other, it doesn't matter. Jesus loves YOU so much that he died for you, YES YOU!! He died for Kristen Hansan, Mike Hansan, Nathan Hansan, Sarah-Kate Hansan, Allie Hansan, Joseph Hansan, Philip Severson, Pat Severson, Kim Melancon, Mark Melancon, Rachel Melancon, Claire Melancon, Gracie, Melancon, Luke Melancon, Tessa Melancon, Judy Hansan, Donnie Hansan, Sandy Stout, Randy Stout, Dylan Johnson, Tanner Johnson, and many many more. Thank you Lord.

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